Easy Flex Loans

Scam Alert

Beware of Fraudsters

Be vigilant about potential debt collection frauds. If you’re approached with claims about owing money through emails or phone calls, treat them with suspicion as they might be attempts to swindle you. These communications often involve demands for a settlement on an alleged unpaid loan, coupled with threats of legal consequences.

Fear not, for as a conscientious lender, we’re here to assist you through these deceptive tactics. Should you encounter any dubious calls or emails, make a note of the details of the sender, including their name, address, and company, and report it straightaway to our customer support team at support@easyflexloans.ccom. Moreover, adhere to the following guidelines to safeguard yourself against these online risks:

Refrain from sharing personal details like your Social Security Number or banking information upon request in any call or email.

  • Avoid completing any forms attached in such emails or interacting with them.
  • Activate your email’s spam filters.
  • Regularly monitor your bank transactions for any signs of unauthorized activities following these communications.

For samples of what debt collection scam emails look like, please click on the link provided.